Dear Reader, I Saw My First Dead Body Today

I have to tell you something: your priorities are all wrong.

Hannah Davies
8 min readFeb 28, 2022
Image via Unsplash

My Grandad died this Thursday.

I know, I know. He was 90 years old and dying is what grandparents tend to do.

Except he was joking with me at home on Monday, and I was gently ushered in — by a nurse I must look about 16 to, reluctant to take me alone, asking if my uncle is my father, are you sure? — to see his dead body in Side Room 2 on Thursday.

72 hours.

My uncle held my hand and I felt his clench, involuntarily, around my own. Even experienced adults do not like to look at a dead body.

There is something uncanny about it — the bardo space between loved one and meat. Cooling, but not yet cold. I wanted to say, but that’s not him.

It took me a while to realise it wasn’t a paid poor imitation actor who was going to jump up.

I am not writing this piece to burden you with grief.

I just have to grab you by the shoulders and tell you this:

Everything you are so invested in is bullsh*t.

There is only a brief window, fresh from Death, we can see clearly enough to say this in. Still in the clothes I put on when he was alive.

